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phpBB 2.0.12 est sorti

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Messages : 10955
Enregistré le : 10 oct. 2002, 12:52
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phpBB 2.0.12 est sorti

Message par le.poke »

Une version 2.0.12 de phpBB est sortie, elle corrige quelques bugs et failles de sécurité ... je ne saurais donc vous conseiller de faire la mise à  jour.

Pour plus d'infos :

=> en anglais : ICI et LA

=> en français : ICI ou ICI ou encore LA

Pour les impatients je vous mets a la suite la version officielle de la mise à  jour à  laquelle je me suis vilement permis de rajouter la partie strictement FR pour nous pauvres francophones que nous sommes. ;)

Code : Tout sélectionner

## MOD Title: phpBB 2.0.11 to phpBB 2.0.12 Code Changes
## MOD Author: Acyd Burn < N/A > (Meik Sievertsen) N/A 
## MOD Description: These are the Changes from phpBB 2.0.11 to phpBB 2.0.12 summed up into a little Mod.
##		    This might be very helpful if you want to update your Board and have installed a 
##		    bunch of Mods. Then it's normally easier to apply the Code Changes than to install
##		    all Mods again.
## MOD Version: 1.0.0 
## Installation Level: Intermediate
## Installation Time: 10-20 Minutes 
## Files To Edit: 
##		admin/admin_db_utilities.php
##		admin/index.php
##		common.php
##		includes/functions.php
##		includes/page_tail.php
##		includes/template.php
##		includes/usercp_avatar.php
##		includes/usercp_register.php
##		language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
##		language/lang_french/lang_admin.php
##		templates/subSilver/admin/index_body.tpl
##		templates/subSilver/overall_footer.tpl
##		templates/subSilver/simple_footer.tpl
##		viewtopic.php
## Included Files: update_to_latest.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
##	When you find a 'AFTER, ADD'-Statement, the Code have to be added after the last line quoted in the 'FIND'-Statement.
##	When you find a 'BEFORE, ADD'-Statement, the Code have to be added before the first line quoted in the 'FIND'-Statement.
##	When you find a 'REPLACE WITH'-Statement, the Code quoted in the 'FIND'-Statement have to be replaced completely with the quoted Code in 	the 'REPLACE WITH'-Statement.
##	When you find a 'DELETE'-Statement, the Code have to be deleted.
##	After you have finished this tutorial, you have to upload the update_to_latest.php file (found within every phpBB Package), execute it and then delete it from your webspace.
##	From phpBB 2.0.11 to 2.0.12 there were no database changes, except the version number increment.
## MOD History: 
##   2005-02-21 - Version 1.0.0 
##      - first release 
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 696
			$tables = array('auth_access', 'banlist', 'categories', 'config', 'disallow', 'forums', 'forum_prune', 'groups', 'posts', 'posts_text', 'privmsgs', 'privmsgs_text', 'ranks', 'search_results', 'search_wordlist', 'search_wordmatch', 'sessions', 'smilies', 'themes', 'themes_name', 'topics', 'topics_watch', 'user_group', 'users', 'vote_desc', 'vote_results', 'vote_voters', 'words');

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
			$tables = array('auth_access', 'banlist', 'categories', 'config', 'disallow', 'forums', 'forum_prune', 'groups', 'posts', 'posts_text', 'privmsgs', 'privmsgs_text', 'ranks', 'search_results', 'search_wordlist', 'search_wordmatch', 'sessions', 'smilies', 'themes', 'themes_name', 'topics', 'topics_watch', 'user_group', 'users', 'vote_desc', 'vote_results', 'vote_voters', 'words', 'confirm');

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 562
			"L_NO_GUESTS_BROWSING" => $lang['No_users_browsing'])

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

	// Check for new version
	$current_version = explode('.', '2' . $board_config['version']);
	$minor_revision = (int) $current_version[2];

	$errno = 0;
	$errstr = $version_info = '';

	if ($fsock = @fsockopen('www.phpbb.com', 80, $errno, $errstr))
		@fputs($fsock, "GET /updatecheck/20x.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n");
		@fputs($fsock, "HOST: www.phpbb.com\r\n");
		@fputs($fsock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

		$get_info = false;
		while (!@feof($fsock))
			if ($get_info)
				$version_info .= @fread($fsock, 1024);
				if (@fgets($fsock, 1024) == "\r\n")
					$get_info = true;

		$version_info = explode("\n", $version_info);
		$latest_head_revision = (int) $version_info[0];
		$latest_minor_revision = (int) $version_info[2];
		$latest_version = (int) $version_info[0] . '.' . (int) $version_info[1] . '.' . (int) $version_info[2];

		if ($latest_head_revision == 2 && $minor_revision == $latest_minor_revision)
			$version_info = '<p style="color:green">' . $lang['Version_up_to_date'] . '</p>';
			$version_info = '<p style="color:red">' . $lang['Version_not_up_to_date'];
			$version_info .= '<br />' . sprintf($lang['Latest_version_info'], $latest_version) . sprintf($lang['Current_version_info'], '2' . $board_config['version']) . '</p>';
		if ($errstr)
			$version_info = '<p style="color:red">' . sprintf($lang['Connect_socket_error'], $errstr) . '</p>';
			$version_info = '<p>' . $lang['Socket_functions_disabled'] . '</p>';
	$version_info .= '<p>' . $lang['Mailing_list_subscribe_reminder'] . '</p>';

		'VERSION_INFO'	=> $version_info,
		'L_VERSION_INFORMATION'	=> $lang['Version_information'])

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 56

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	$test = array('HTTP_GET_VARS' => NULL, 'HTTP_POST_VARS' => NULL, 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS' => NULL, 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS' => NULL, 'HTTP_ENV_VARS' => NULL, 'HTTP_POST_FILES' => NULL, 'phpEx' => NULL, 'phpbb_root_path' => NULL);

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 75
else if (@ini_get('register_globals') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on')
	// PHP4+ path

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 92
	while (list($var,) = @each($input))

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

	while (list($var,) = @each($input))
		if (!in_array($var, $not_unset))

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 207

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 80
	$username = htmlspecialchars(rtrim(trim($username), "\\"));
	$username = substr(str_replace("\\'", "'", $username), 0, 25);
	$username = str_replace("'", "\\'", $username);

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	$username = substr(htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\'", "'", trim($username))), 0, 25);
	$username = phpbb_rtrim($username, "\\");	
	$username = str_replace("'", "\'", $username);

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 83

	return $username;

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

// added at phpBB 2.0.12 to fix a bug in PHP 4.3.10 (only supporting charlist in php >= 4.1.0)
function phpbb_rtrim($str, $charlist = false)
	if ($charlist === false)
		return rtrim($str);
	$php_version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);

	// php version < 4.1.0
	if ((int) $php_version[0] < 4 || ((int) $php_version[0] == 4 && (int) $php_version[1] < 1))
		while ($str{strlen($str)-1} == $charlist)
			$str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1);
		$str = rtrim($str, $charlist);

	return $str;

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 608
			$debug_text .= '</br /><br />Line : ' . $err_line . '<br />File : ' . $err_file;

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
			$debug_text .= '</br /><br />Line : ' . $err_line . '<br />File : ' . basename($err_file);

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 38
	'PHPBB_VERSION' => '2' . $board_config['version'],

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
//	'PHPBB_VERSION' => '2' . $board_config['version'],

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 233
       		$filename = phpbb_realpath($this->root . '/' . $filename);

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
       		$filename = ($rp_filename = phpbb_realpath($this->root . '/' . $filename)) ? $rp_filename : $filename;

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 54
	global $board_config, $userdata;

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	$avatar_file = basename($avatar_file);

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 69
function user_avatar_gallery($mode, &$error, &$error_msg, $avatar_filename)
	global $board_config;

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

	$avatar_filename = str_replace(array('../', '..\\', './', '.\\'), '', $avatar_filename);
	if ($avatar_filename{0} == '/' || $avatar_filename{0} == "\\")
		return '';

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 235
				$move_file = 'copy';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
			if (!is_uploaded_file($avatar_filename))
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Unable to upload file', '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 462
			$avatar_mode = ( !empty($user_avatar_name) ) ? 'local' : 'remote';

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
			$avatar_mode = (empty($user_avatar_name)) ? 'remote' : 'local';

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
// That's all Folks!
// -------------------------------------------------

#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
// Version Check
$lang['Version_up_to_date'] = 'Your installation is up to date, no updates are available for your version of phpBB.';
$lang['Version_not_up_to_date'] = 'Your installation does <b>not</b> seem to be up to date. Updates are available for your version of phpBB, please visit <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php" target="_new">http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php</a> to obtain the latest version.';
$lang['Latest_version_info'] = 'The latest available version is <b>phpBB %s</b>.';
$lang['Current_version_info'] = 'You are running <b>phpBB %s</b>.';
$lang['Connect_socket_error'] = 'Unable to open connection to phpBB Server, reported error is:<br />%s';
$lang['Socket_functions_disabled'] = 'Unable to use socket functions.';
$lang['Mailing_list_subscribe_reminder'] = 'For the latest information on updates to phpBB, why not <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/" target="_new">subscribe to our mailing list</a>.';
$lang['Version_information'] = 'Version Information';

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
// That's all Folks!
// -------------------------------------------------

#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
// Version Check
$lang['Version_up_to_date'] = 'Votre installation est à  jour, aucune mise à  jour n\'est disponible pour votre version de phpBB.';
$lang['Version_not_up_to_date'] = 'Votre installation de phpBB <b>ne semble pas</b> être à  jour. Des mises à  jours sont disponibles pour votre version de phpBB, veuillez visiter <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php" target="_new">http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php</a> ou <a href="http://www.phpbb-fr.com/">http://www.phpbb-fr.com/</a> afin d\'obtenir une version plus récente.';
$lang['Latest_version_info'] = 'La dernière version de phpBB disponible est <b>phpBB %s</b>.';
$lang['Current_version_info'] = 'Vous utilisez <b>phpBB %s</b>.';
$lang['Connect_socket_error'] = 'Impossible d\'ouvrir une connection au serveur phpBB, l\'erreur retournée est :<br />%s.';
$lang['Socket_functions_disabled'] = 'Impossible d\'utiliser les fonctions de socket.';
$lang['Mailing_list_subscribe_reminder'] = 'Afin d\'obtenir les dernières informations sur les mises à  jours de phpBB, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/" target="_new">inscrivez-vous à  notre liste de diffusion</a> (en anglais).';
$lang['Version_information'] = 'Informations de version';

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 80

<br />

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------



<br />

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 8
	Powered by phpBB {PHPBB_VERSION} line, with phpBB linked to www.phpbb.com. If you refuse
	to include even this then support on our forums may be affected. 

	The phpBB Group : 2002
// -->
Powered by <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB</a> {PHPBB_VERSION} &copy; 2001, 2002 phpBB Group<br />{TRANSLATION_INFO}</span></div>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	Powered by phpBB line, with phpBB linked to www.phpbb.com. If you refuse
	to include even this then support on our forums may be affected.

	The phpBB Group : 2002
// -->
Powered by <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB</a> &copy; 2001, 2005 phpBB Group<br />{TRANSLATION_INFO}</span></div>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 8
	Powered by phpBB {PHPBB_VERSION} line, with phpBB linked to www.phpbb.com. If you refuse
	to include even this then support on our forums may be affected. 

	The phpBB Group : 2002
// -->
Powered by <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB</a> {PHPBB_VERSION} &copy; 2001,2002 phpBB Group</span></div>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	Powered by phpBB line, with phpBB linked to www.phpbb.com. If you refuse
	to include even this then support on our forums may be affected. 

	The phpBB Group : 2002
// -->
Powered by <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB</a> &copy; 2001, 2005 phpBB Group</span></div>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Line 498

	$highlight = urlencode($HTTP_GET_VARS['highlight']);

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	$highlight_match = phpbb_rtrim($highlight_match, "\\");

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 

# EoM
De plus dans tout ceci il est mentionné d'excuter un certain fichier nommé update_to_latest.php depuis votre ftp pour la mise à  jour de la base ... oubliez le et executez cette petite requete sql depuis phpmyadmin ... ce sera bien plus rapide ....

Code : Tout sélectionner

UPDATE `phpbb_config` SET `config_value` = '.0.12' WHERE `config_name` = 'version' LIMIT 1 ;
amusez vous bien ;)
Fichiers joints
Archive fournie par le phpbb group. pour passer votre forum à  la version 2.0.12
(22.5 Kio) Téléchargé 410 fois
Faut pas prendre les cons pour des gens !!!